Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Roo!!

5........One whole hand......."I'm five, I'm five, I'm five!". This is an important moment in the life of Jerusha Pauline. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, she is five. And should you have the good pleasure of speaking with her on the phone, she will inform you, in no uncertain terms, that she indeed had a birthday and that she is half way to 10.

Jerusha has grown so much this past year. Starting pre-school, tying her shoes (that's a recent one) learning to print and even beginning to read. Her understanding of spiritual things has expanded too. She holds onto Biblical stories dearly and works hard on her memory verses, and while she pushes boundaries (let's hold on to reality here) she is a delight to have in our family. I don't think she's ever heard a song or piece of music that she didn't want to dance to, or seen a pile of dirt that she couldn't make into a gourmet dinner. I am so thankful for our Jerusha....happy birthday sweetie!

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