Monday, November 1, 2010


Today my son laughed. Not the little chuckle that young infants do but a hearty belly laugh. There is nothing like hearing your children laugh. This is something I thoroughly enjoy about our home, come by for a visit and it won't be long before you hear someone cracking up. Jeremy is quick to find the tickle bugs that seem to invade our children's beds. At the last book fair at school, Jerusha bought a knock-knock joke book (which I regretted almost immediately) and she is refining the art of skillfully telling a knock-knock joke. Elijah is enjoys a good game of peekaboo, Naomi loves to laugh at whatever tickles her funny bone and growing up in a family that laughs a lot together, I love every minute of it! So feel free to come on over, bring your best jokes and prepare to laugh!

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